Online Policy Manual

Online Policy Manual. Do you have a policy manual? Most companies have a few policies. Harassment prevention, violence prevention, code of conduct, privacy, confidentiality, and social media are some of the more common policies all companies have. Traditional policy management uses paper copies of printed policies which each employee gets a copy of or it is circulated for employees to sign off acknowledging that each person has reviewed and accepted the policies.

Looking for an online policy manual, as an alternative? You are not alone. The majority of new policy manuals are in an electronic format such as Word docs, PDF, PowerPoint, etc. Some include video and audio materials as part of the policy content to help staff understand policy materials better.

Getting a Policy Manual Online, starts with a simple shift from a paper based format to an electronic format. You will want a format that is shared easily with staff but may also want to provide controlled access so your materials are only accessible by authorized users. You also want to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the document, so providing it in a way that it cannot be edited by users.

Proof of Delivery, is an important step in policy management. As the Policy Manager you want to ensure each person has reviewed the policy manual. You want to have the ability to keep records to show when each person reviewed the policy. Test records will help to provide additional proof that they have reviewed and understood the policy manual. A sign-off record is an even better step in providing proof of delivery.

Lower Cost Policy Management, is the number one reason to get your Policy Manual Online. When you convert from a paper based process there is cost savings associated with reduced paper use, handling time, filing, and storage. In some cases having a policy manual that is online makes it easier to access and can increase the usage of the policy documents as well.

Want to get your Policy Manual Online? That is what we do. From getting your policies online to getting them reviewed by all of your staff, we know policy management! Call us, email us, or use the convenient Live Chat when available. We would love to help!

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