What would make an Employee want to Review or Renew your Policies?
As a Policy Manager getting employees to review and renew policies is a critical task. However getting employees to want to review policies is an overlooked part of the job that if done correctly actually makes policy review easier to manage. Keeping employees up to date on policy review can be easy if employees are keen to review.
Three Tips to getting employees to want to review and renew your policies.
Start with "Why"
Every policy has importance, the reason it is in place and the purpose it serves can motivate employees to review, understand, and implement policies and procedures. Communicating the intent of the policy helps people understand “why do we need this policy?”. Knowing the why and the benefit makes learning the policy more appealing. It is natural for some people to push back or rebel against what they don't understand. Be clear about why you have the policies you have.
Give Them Some Control
When individuals have control of the policy review process they may be less resistant to review. When you let employees review policies online it gives them access to read the material and view documents at their own pace and under their own terms. This gives them control of how and when they get it done. Convenience is a big benefit to a busy employee. The buy in to an online self paced review is much greater than if they were being told to show up on a designated day to complete the policy renewal and sign off in person.
Give it More Respect
Make sure employees see policy review and renewal with high regard and respect them. Monitor and measure people's progress. Make sure they know how seriously this is taken by the company. Whether it is an HR policy, risk management policy or compliance policy, making sure that every employee is aware of, understands, and agrees to follow your policies is a big deal. When an employee doesn’t know or accept your policies it puts the organization and everyone around them at risk.
What gets measured gets done. Use a system to manage policies and track policy review like PolicyMagic. When people know you are monitoring they are more likely to get policy renewal completed.
Want to talk to us about how you are managing your policies? Get in touch, email, call, or use the online chat feature to connect!
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