What Happened to Being Simple?

Many tasks start out simple. And then they get complicated. Getting back to simple is not always simple.

This ‘complication’ is one of the main reasons people are looking for a more efficient way to manage the way employees are training, reviewing and signing off on their policies and company manual.

Let's Work Backwards From What You Want

  • Employees who KNOW our policies. (Training)
  • Proof that my employees reviewed our policies. (Proof of compliance)
  • A convenient and efficient way to learn about our policies. (Learning features and tools)
  • One click access to schedule a review by all my employees. (Easy monitoring and management)
  • A central easy to access place to manage all our policies. (Organized management)

That's what you want and this is what we have:

  • Admin module with a built-in online policy builder tool to enhance policy training
  • Create and send logins to all selected employees with one click for easy management
  • Online 24/7 access, start, stop and resume features. Employees love it!
  • Monitor and manage each employee's progress in one place for effortless monitoring.
  • A Record of Delivery as employees complete the review process. (Proof of compliance)
  • When you train, test, and refresh you get people who know wha they need to know for effective results.

To find out if this is a fit for you connect with us and tell us what you are looking for.



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